
Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Every July, the town of Saluda, North Carolina, has one of the more hilarious festivals that Puff and I frequent: Coon Dog Days.
Puff and I first went back in 2009. I was definitely skeptical. But taking the convertible up to the mountains is never a bad thing, so I decided I was game to go. It really is just a small town festival, but the highlight is the parade. The area has lots of wealthy people with vacation homes, so it ends up really being just a bunch of well-to-do people dressing up like hillbillies and celebrating the coon dog.
This year was Bimmer's first (but certainly not last) trip to the Coon Dog Festival. We weren't sure how she would do, being the first time she was out in a big crowd of people. Not to mention the fact that we would have to park and walk a ways. It was the second time we had used the Bjorn, and the first time had just been for a walk around a local park for about 20 minutes. Oh yeah, and the heat! We were coming off the week where it had been 100+, and while it wasn't that bad, it was definitely a humid 85 or so when the parade started.
Let's just say the baby did really well. She was chill in the Bjorn (even if she didn't want to put her arms through the holes correctly) and we were able to find a shady spot to give her a bottle. Then she conked out on Puff's shoulder through the entire parade... fire truck sirens and all. What an awesome little festival-goer. She better get used to it!
Other festivals that we have yet to check out? There's the Okra Strut. And the Albino Skunk Festival. There's even one in Georgia dedicated to wild chickens. Oh... but we heard of a new one this year that made us giggle... the Black Cowboy: Man or Myth Festival.
Living in the south definitely has its perks.

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