With Operation People Food fully under way, I was ecstatic to introduce Bimmer this week to the grilled cheese. Yes, I realize it's still bread and cheese (plus butter!!!) but for some reason I feel OK giving her one. And she ate every last bite. She also is eating fresh bananas now. Yay!
I've caught Bimmer a few times lately standing without support and not realizing it. The usual culprit is when she goes to get her beach ball out of her book basket, since it lives on top. She will grab it with both hands and straighten up holding it, not realizing it's not attached to anything to help her keep her balance. It's pretty cute. She's going to be toddling around before we know it!
We have officially started to migrate into some size 12 month pajamas. They don't make too many sleepers with feet in them at that age (which is a bit sad, since they're so cute, but nice at the same time, because the ones with snaps make me violent.) But in our mass shopping spree at the outlet mall a few weeks ago, we stocked up on pajama sets and she looks so darn cute in them! (See her 43 week photo!) But it also makes her seem so grown up!
I won't elaborate in this post about her ear tubes, but that happened this week. And we all survived to tell about it! Stay tuned for a post about that!