
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Legen - wait for it - Dary

For as long as I can remember, I have loved to read. I devoured Babysitters Club books at an early age and then plowed through some RL Stine. I was OK to read just about every assigned book in high school (minus Huck Finn - which I found impossible to comprehend, and 1984 - which I just rebelled against reading for some reason). Unfortunately, now that I have Bimmer, reading doesn't seem to find its way into my life as often as I'd like. (Proof in the pudding is that I still haven't found time to bust out my Kindle to download my friend's latest novel. But you can beat me to it and get it HERE from Amazon. I will get to it next. I swear!)
Anyhoo... These days I often find myself wide awake at say, 2am, eating something, so I decided to use that time wisely and bust out something to read. When my latest People magazine was done, I dug into my Christmas gift stash and pulled out a book the MIL had gotten me, Neil Patrick Harris' "Choose Your Own Autobiography."
It was a great read for that whole wanting to only read a few pages at a time while I had a second, since I didn't feel like I was losing any train of thought. I had always kinda liked him, and in fact, liked him decidedly more once he was out of the closet and has the most adorable family ever. (Not to mention good taste in baby names.) Are you seeing this cuteness? (Each Halloween I cannot wait to see what they bust out with!)
The whole premise of the "choose your own storyline" was OK, but I didn't actually follow any of the jumps; I just read it in sequence. I skipped the cocktail recipes and the magic tricks. But outside of those few tiny things, it really was a good read. It helps that I was interested in him, and felt vested in him since I watched every episode of HIMYM. I will throw out this caveat to anyone who may be a little, shall we say, prudish.... be aware that NPH is a gay man. And it is a story of his life. And while he's not graphically describing gay sex, the book does include, well, gay sex.
I'm glad that I thought to suggest this book as a gift idea to the MIL as I have found myself devouring it over just a few days. If you have any love for NPH, be sure to pick it up. It's a fun little glimpse into his life.
Any suggestions on what to read next? After "Natural Love," of course. Any other good autobiographies out there? Or biographies? Nothing too heavy. God bless that "Last Night in Twisted River" book of John Irving's that has been sitting on my nightstand for 2+ years just waiting to be finished. I love (like, seriously LOVE) me some John Irving, but I've just found it too heavy these days to find myself getting too enthralled in it. One day, I will again.
Probably when Bimmer and Healey leave for college.

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