
Monday, April 29, 2013


Oh, spring! Now that the pollen is calming down a little bit, the days are getting a slight bit warmer, and those green slimy worms are fewer on our trees, it was time to stop rushing around so much and just stop and take pictures by the azaleas.

I wish I could show you a picture of the front of our house, with our aqua front door and all the gorgeous old azaleas in bloom. But I'm just not comfortable. Take my word for it - it's adorable. The Bungalow is super gorgeous in the spring!
In other random news, do you think Bimmer needs a haircut or what?!?!

I just can't bring myself to cut it though. She's not even a year old yet. Plus, I definitely don't want to get rid of those curls! There will just be lots of hairbows and pigtails in our immediate future, until I can figure out what to do with it!

1 comment:

The Fischer Family said...

Love your azaleas! Mine is nowhere close to blooming! And I love her hair! Don't cut it!