
Monday, September 26, 2011

All I Need

Miss OCD here, back with another list. This time, it's from late 2000/early 2001, written in a coffee shop in a college town, surrounded by giggling girlfriends. In the process of checking out some hotties at an adjacent table, we started listing on a napkin the traits we "needed" in a man. A typed list at home followed, and I came up with the Top 100 traits I needed a man to possess. Ten years and one marriage later, it's pretty hilarious to see what my 19-year old self thought was most important. Some of the things still are (like #25) but others, not so much (like #44).

In all it's unedited glory..... Gail's Top 100 Must-Have Man Traits...

  1. Italian
  2. Likes professional football, knows stuff about professional football
  3. Won't harass me about my fascination with the Dallas Cowboys
  4. Catholic
  5. Wants at least 2 kids
  6. Will be a good father, active in his kids lives
  7. College educated
  8. Nice smile, straight teeth
  9. Piercing eyes
  10. Likes to travel & willing to help me accomplish my travel goals
  11. Willing to pay the money to go to concerts
  12. Willing to pay for cable - I need ESPN
  13. Can deal with my family, will spend Christmas with my family
  14. Has good family values, brought up right
  15. Hasn't had too many sexual partners
  16. Well dressed, will wear khakis & an oxford on occasion (I won the jackpot with Puff on this one! LOL!)
  17. Likes other alcoholic beverages besides just beer
  18. Wants to sit on Sundays and watch football and all the sports shows
  19. Has a decent car
  20. Not an only child
  21. Willing to compromise on baby names, willing to let me use Troy & Kennedy
  22. Doesn't want to read my journals & respects my privacy
  23. Likes to cuddle
  24. Sends flowers & notes, can be sweet and romantic
  25. Left handed
  26. Can appreciate St. Simons, GA
  27. Can cook and likes to cook
  28. Has a good name (Again, Puff kinda wins points here too)
  29. Is a gentleman, opens doors, pulls out chairs
  30. Will compromise on wedding plans
  31. Likes similar music & is willing to expand his musical horizons
  32. Taller than me
  33. Good kisser
  34. Good at making love, satisfying
  35. Sense of direction (This is my all-time favorite on this list. Why in the world would that have even come to my mind?!?!)
  36. Likes motorcycles, maybe even has one
  37. Knows how to spoil me in moderation
  38. Sense of humor, can make me laugh
  39. Sarcastic, understands my sarcasm, quick wit, quick comebacks
  40. Doesn't snore
  41. Well built, nice body
  42. Will hold hands in public
  43. Gives massages
  44. Will play with my feet (This is pretty hilarious since Puff is repulsed by feet!)
  45. Doesn't like really soft beds
  46. Not a chronic masturbator (There was a story behind this at one time I'm sure!)
  47. Has a good job that he likes
  48. Appreciate my photography & writing
  49. Will toss football with me
  50. Will let me decorate the house
  51. Will stay in bed with me, cuddle, and watch Sportscenter
  52. Similar ideas and opinions on raising kids
  53. Likes similar movies & TV shows
  54. Goal oriented, strives to succeed and reach his goals
  55. Willing to spend quiet time at home
  56. Doesn't intimidate me
  57. Trusts me
  58. Not possessive
  59. Good vocabulary, articulate (Who needs pick-up lines when you have a vocabulary?)
  60. Good communication skills, can hold my interest in conversation
  61. Not afraid to initiate intimacy
  62. Organized
  63. Clean
  64. Likes to read
  65. Doesn't initiate stupid arguments
  66. Can back up his opinion, can make his point but doesn't beat a dead horse
  67. Non-smoker
  68. Not a drug addict
  69. Tattoos are nice, not too many though
  70. Charming
  71. Compliments me even when I don't look great
  72. Doesn't constantly point out other hot chicks (Am I not the pot calling the kettle black on this one?)
  73. Secure with himself
  74. No strange sexual fetishes
  75. Respects me, my opinions, and my wishes
  76. Not too much facial hair
  77. Doesn't care if I don't shave my legs every day
  78. Is OK with me looking like a bum sometimes, I don't always have the energy to get sexed up all the time
  79. Doesn't ignore me when we are with his friends
  80. Gets along with my friends
  81. Wears glasses (Still a total fucking turn-on to this day!)
  82. Must appreciate Christmas, enjoy gift-giving and spending time with family
  83. Backs me up in my endeavors
  84. Similar sex drive
  85. Willing to make sacrifices
  86. Will play in the rain
  87. Not afraid to sing
  88. Romantic & creative marriage proposal (Puff pointed out that he did propose in the spot that was featured in an ad for the Smurfs movie. Does that count?)
  89. Creative
  90. Spontaneous (Which is ridiculous because there's not a fucking spontaneous bone in my entire body!)
  91. Aware of current events
  92. Mature
  93. Sophisticated
  94. Knows how to act in public, knows when which behavior is appropriate
  95. Likes to dance
  96. Ability to spell
  97. Doesn't mind my photos being out
  98. Polite, cordial, and nice
  99. Wears clothes well
  100. Prepared for anything

At the request of my shrink, I made "Top 10 Must-Haves" and "Top 10 Can't-Stands" lists the summer before I met Puff. I'll have to dig those back out, because they are definitely much more accurate. However, this list has stood the test of time in some ways. I'm surprised I didn't have "blonde hair" or "blye eyes" listed, since those were once my weakness. I suppose I didn't want to be TOO superficial!

What would top your list for a must have in a partner?

And can you believe "Accent" is no where to be found on this list? Ridiculously careless oversight on my end. Obviously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I may be able to shed some light on #46. My freshman year there was a dude who was totally trying to stalk me and for some reason felt compelled to tell me that he had to masturbate 3-6 times a day.