
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Little Scandinavia

Is it ridiculous that I remember the first time I really heard about Ikea? Kimhead had probably mentioned it a time or two beforehand, but what I remember most was being in Europe, the summer of 2002, and driving past the blue & yellow behemoth in the middle of The Netherlands (or someplace equivalent) and Kimhead yelling across the bus "IKEA!!!!" at the top of her lungs.
We've yet to look back since.
There are no Ikea stores in South Carolina, so we have to venture to either Charlotte or Atlanta if we want to pick up stuff in store. I have used their shipping before for some nightstands, and that worked out well too. So far, I've been pretty happy with most of the stuff I've gotten. A lot of it has been little, like lamps and a trash can or picture frames. The one problem child has been Bimmer's dresser.
I *love* this dresser. (It's called Hemnes for anyone wondering - and we have the matching nightstands in our master bedroom.) However, I do not love that the center drawer (the one where we hold the bulk of Bimmer's clothing) is sagging in the middle. Who knew baby clothes were that heavy??? I'm hoping that our handyman (who is not named Puff) can jerry-rig something when he's at the house next. Because I want to salvage that dresser for as long as possible. It's just so gosh-darn cute!
In early March, we packed our bags and headed to Charlotte for a quick weekend getaway. (Read about it HERE) It was under the guise of being able to take Bimmer to a kid's museum, but really, it was all about some shopping. So, what did we come away with?
Sometimes it's hard to not just throw stuff in your cart when stuff is that cheap! We got Bimmer a little step-stool for future use in our bathroom, once she starts using the potty. It was $4.99. And those 6-packs of plastic plates and bowls for her? $1.99 each. Can't beat that!!! We snagged that train set for $9.99 and I plan to use it as part of her 2nd birthday gift. The pillow inserts were $5 a pop, and unfortunately will be waiting for covers, since the covers I intended to use them with are too small. My fault, not Ikea's. The small RIBBA picture frames (which I love) were $1.99 a piece, and the bigger one was only a few bucks more. I fully intend to use them for my future gallery wall that's stirring in my head. And those curtains? I got them for the living room, but we're still undecided on their final fate. They may end up in Bimmer's "big girl room" if we move to another house. But for $14.99 a pair (yes, meaning I spent $30 and got curtains for two windows) AND they were 96" long? They had to come home with us!
Not pictured? We got Bimmer a table & chairs for her playroom. Not sure if that will be a wait-for-birthday situation or not. But once it's assembled and her playroom is put together, you can rest assured that I will post about it!
And since we're on a home goods shopping topic, when we were in Charlotte, we also hit up fan-favorite, West Elm.
The pillow shams will coordinate with both my brown fall/winter duvet and my white spring/summer duvet. Yes, go ahead and laugh at my seasonal duvet covers. The pillow covers are the ones I had hoped would fit the Ikea inserts. (Next time, maybe I'll check the size before just assuming and buying them!) But they had been $39 each and I paid $9.99. I never find bargains that good! Props to me for taking a few seconds to dig through that massive unruly pile o' crap on the sale table (no - under the sale table) in the store!
I love me a good bit of redecorating. Now the search is on for two more covers to replace our hideous couch pillows!
Oh yeah, one more thing. Bimmer is totally a klepto. Yup... she had found an ugly little stuffed bear when we first got to Ikea, and we let her carry it around, not thinking. Well, then this happened....
And she was having so much fun when we checked out that neither Puff nor myself (nor the girl checking us out, mind you) even noticed that it was in her hand! Whoopsies! Ikea, I hope we can still be friends! :)

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