My quirky little baby is at it again.
She has decided that her nightly bath time is now her chatty time. I like to think she is telling me about all the fun stuff she did with Nanny while I was at work. She also now laughs when I pour water over her and doesn't freak out if I accidentally get water in her face. It's about my favorite 10 minutes of my day.
During her chat-fests, she is starting to make sounds that sound more like words. There are definitely distinctions between the sounds versus just constant moaning. Although that still happens. Along with shrieking. That's her "singing." But she definitely makes noises that sound like "ha ha" and "awww" and sometimes even a "hi."
In the mornings before work, she likes to lay next to me while I sit cross-legged on the bed and she rolls sideways toward me and puts one little hand up on my knee. It's precious. It makes leaving her that much harder. (That is actually more gut-wrenching to me than her screaming!)
She continues to do some of the cute things she has previously done, just with more gusto. Like playing "peek-a-boo" whenever she has a blanket or burp cloth. She gets the biggest grin when she uncovers her own eyes and sees me or Puff there. And she will sit with me in my lap while I write and pays attention to the keys. She also likes to watch the weather and cartoons. It's just all the bright colors. But sometimes holding her up in front of it for a few minutes is the best way to quiet her! She's still a licker and her hands are constantly in her mouth. Puff said the slobber is starting to bother him. Oh, buddy... he has no idea what's to come!
And the biggest thing that happened this week? I was holding her in a sitting position (although I barely have to hold her) and she was on our dresser talking to herself in the mirror. And she kept moving her torso forward to scoot her butt forward to get closer to the mirror! This baby is a mover and a shaker and we are in for some BIG trouble in a few months I think! Time to tape her up in a suit of bubble wrap I suppose!
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