
Monday, December 19, 2011

Motivate Me Monday

No, it's not new music today, but it's one of those albums I totally forgot I had and am remembering how much I totally loved it! I probably forgot about it because uploading CDs to my Ipod is a chore and I refuse to learn how to use iTunes. I'm ridiculous and I love it. I also occasionally like some alternative rock. Even the screaming kind. And for right now, I've got "Bleed it Out" blaring on my work computer and hoping the GM doesn't walk past when he's aimlessly screaming "Fuck."
Right... so this CD is "Minutes to Midnight" by Linkin Park. There was a song or two that got major airplay back in 2007/2008 when it came out. I haven't bought any of their music since then though. Do they even have any new music? Eh... I suppose maybe I'll look into some post-Christmas sales to beef up my CD collection. (Yup... still buying CDs. Still ridiculous.)

Every so often, I just need to tune out the rest of the corporate world and retreat to my head-banging, loud rock 'n roll jammin' by myself. It can definitely help with a shitty day. And there have been some days lately where the shit didn't just hit the fan, it looked like someone went snorkeling through an over-flowing septic tank. So for a brief, fleeting moment, let's all retreat into the music. Clear our heads, take a time out, and let someone else explain how we should feel for awhile.

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