
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Table Rock

OK... Confession time. I tried to post this sometime last week, but I was having trouble uploading photos, so I gave up. Then I started back to work and I'm just a wee bit overwhelmed with all of life these days. So I thought I'd give it another shot... and the pictures STILL wouldn't upload. So, ya know, you're just going to have to forgive me.

Back in August, Puff and I took the girls on their first trek to the mountains at Jones Gap. (You can read about that trip HERE). After it was such a hit with Bimmer, and felt like old times for the grown-ups, we decided we wanted to head back that way one more time before summer was over.

(insert pic at overlook)
This time, we opted for Table Rock State Park. We had been there years ago (when I was pregnant with Bimmer) and attempted a fairly moderate trail. Puff always griped that we never finished the loop, since I wasn't comfortable climbing across rocks while 30+ weeks preggers. So we thought maybe we would try it again with the girls. As you can see, Healey was thrilled...
(insert pic in car)
The first part of the hike, from the welcome center/visitors station/check-in doo-hickey place, the first part of the trail is actually several trails all running together, that branch off after a little while. This stretch was great for me carrying the baby and for Bimmer to be able to do her thing.
(insert pic with girls)
There were also pools to stop and check out, and had it been super hot, it would have been a great place to chill out for awhile.
(insert bent over pic)
However, this time we opted to go toward the RIGHT when the trail split (we had gone LEFT last time) and it started to go pretty straight up hill, pretty quickly. Between my extra weight with Healey on my chest and Puff having to occasionally carry Bimmer, we never even made it to the first trail intersection. I found out later that Puff had lied (or omitted information) about the trail... telling me it was an "easy" trail that shouldn't take any more "than an hour" when really it was listed as "moderate" and was 2 miles long... which going up hill with two kids, wouldn't exactly be a day in the park.
I was content with what we attempted and Bimmer had fun and Healey got some fresh air. Next time, we'll know better. Or I will know better to do some more research before taking the girls out. Next summer, Healey will fit in the backpack, so Puff will get to carry her!

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