
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Merry & Bright

I had planned to post this photo on Christmas Day, but ya know, life happened. So, from my family to yours...

And then back to the planned post for today....
Yes, I have tons of Christmas updates to make and I promise I will try to wrap them all up within the next week. To include our trip to The Fort with family and Santa's visit to The Bungalow. But for now, a few random Christmas photos from some of our other holiday extravaganzas!


Bimmer had her second Christmas program at school. Last year, they just rang jingle bells and it was pretty much the cutest thing ever. This year? They joined with the toddler class to do Jingle Bells again, but they also sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. She did awesome and we were so proud!


One of our only real traditions that Puff and I have done every single year since we met was to go out to the suburbs to this amazing house to get out and walk around and check out the lights. It gets more and more fun each year now that Bimmer is getting older and enjoying it! We were happy Kimhead was in town to go with us this year too!


The first year Bimmer saw Santa, she was only about 7 months old, and I have an adorable photo of her smiling with her arms up in the air as happy as can be. Last year? It went a little bit the other way with her screaming in Santa's lap. But c'mon, isn't that some sort of right of passage for kids anyway? This year? Well, when we were at the suburb lights, Bimmer had surprised us and willingly sat with that Santa. So when we went to see the real Santa for a professional photo, she was super excited talking about how "Santa is waiting for me!" And that she was going to "Ask Santa about Rudolph!" Then we got in line... and she had a bit of a meltdown. Not an epic one, but definitely didn't want to go. I finally convinced her to sit next to Santa on his chair, not on his lap. And he was great... he started talking to her about her boots (which she insisted she wear) and he finally got her into his lap and she kinda smiled for a few photos. I was so proud of my sweet girl!
Like I said... more to come on all the big gift unwrapping and travels to The Fort and Santa's two-days-late visit to our house! Just be prepared for a few long entries of lots of photos of my adorable daughter opening things. Happy holidays!!!!

P.S. We did Elf on the Shelf for the first time this year. (Her name is Winter.) The first few days, I was super slack about remembering to move the darn thing. But Bimmer didn't really seem too into it. She finally got around to getting excited when she found it, but she wouldn't jump out of bed wanting to find it or anything like that. We also never made a big deal out of the elf watching her to make sure she's a good girl. (Not sure I'm really behind that whole scenario anyway.) So this year, Winter just moved around the house each night... ending up in our spatula container on the counter, a tissue box, hanging on the closet door, in her stocking, driving her car, playing her guitar, and riding her T-Rex on the dining room table. No snow angels in sugar or cute letters or gifts or anything Pinterest-worthy. I wouldn't hold my breath for Winter to EVER be doing stuff like that!!!

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