Back in August, I was gearing up to deal with a major ass-rape of a week at work, so every morning was a struggle to find the motivation to get out of bed. One particular morning, I sluggishly made my way out to the car and when I got inside, there was a surprise on my dashboard. My sweet, dear, Puff had left me a motivational card saying how much he loved me and knew I would get through the craziness at the office and come out alive on the other side. (Ahhh... the joys of being newlyweds!)
Also included inside the card was a $50 gift card to Victoria's Secret. Nothing like sexy lingerie as a pick-me-up on a crappy morning, right? Our friend, Keith, kept picking on us that it was really a gift for Puff and not for me. Eh... I'm pretty willing to accept anything that's free, even if it means I've got to go to the mall. And Lord knows how much I hate the damn mall. So after online searches through neon green lace thongs and see-thru teddies, we made the decision to go to the store instead. Yes, we're total Jews when it comes to not wanting to pay shipping chages. (I look forward to your letters.)
So tonight, we had a date night. Oh, those rascally, rebellious newlyweds, having a date night on a Wednesday! Yes! A Wednesday! And a "date night" that really equates to shopping for sexy bras and panties, no less! It's mildly unsettling to shop in a Victoria's Secret with my husband... who is not exactly known for being quiet and subtle. There was lots of touching the merchandise and discussions about water bras and gel inserts and the difference between a "tanga" and a "cheeky." In the end, we came away with everything we needed... because quite frankly, who could live without hot pink lacy zebra print cheekies????
The hardest part, however, of going into the store is this....
It's just such a shame that I look so much better than her....
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